- From: Dave Shrake <rnh34@hotmail.com>
- Date: 22 Nov 2001 15:31:17 -0500
- To: <www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org>
MAKE MONEY WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR COMPUTER!!!!!!!! This is the perfect job for a home based individual, or someone just looking to make some extra cash in the evening hours. If you show interest, patience and learn how the program works, you can earn up to $100,000 and more OVER the following 120 days - it depends only on you. DOES IT SEEM TO BE IMPOSSIBLE?? Read this document to be sure there is no catch or deception. If you are completely lazy, then this is not for you!!! If the offer does not interest you, accept our apologies for the intrusion. It is not necessary to get angry - "Spam" has its expenses, just as radio and TV, but do not forget, that the first billionaire of the USA, Dale Carnegie said: "I would rather earn 1% of the results of the efforts of 100 men, than 100% of the results of my own efforts." BE ON YOUR WAY TO THE FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM!!! THIS IS YOUR INTRODUCTION TO THE 6X5 PLAN TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS!!!! Those who have chosen to FULLY participate in this program have become more and more wealthy. It takes real work because you are starting a real home based business. If you have received this type of notice before and thought the time to act had passed you by, then you are totally wrong. The Internet is growing with over 15,000 new people each day. It is not too late to get involved. READ THIS MESSAGE THOUGHTFULLY AND ATTENTIVELY, DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE DISTRACTED. GIVE THIS YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND HOW TO CREATE YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM ON THE INTERNET!!! People who have put their faith and hard work in the 6X5 System are now bathing in money. There are those who doubt and deliberate, but it takes a special, self-starting personality with true desire to take charge of their own financial future to be successful. That is the only "secret"! With the 6X5 System and consistent work you will have a heap of cash bills on your kitchen table. It is a wonderful sight to behold. With financial freedom your stress at work can fade away and the relationship with your spouse, or significant other can improve. ****************************************************************** HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS ****************************************************************** All you need to do is send advertisements to potential new members via email (this is very inexpensive thanks to the Internet). Your profit can be $100,000 after the first four months, and if you decide to really push forward, up to $1,000,000 in the first year. When new members respond to your ads, you will send them a specific report. **IMPORTANT** Sending these reports is what makes this a legal business. You must send new members their reports so you are providing a product for the money you earn. For each report, the new member will send you $6 CASH (US CURRENCY), THEIR NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT THEY ARE ORDERING and THEIR E-MAIL ADDRESS (plus an alternate email address, at a different domain name in case of unforeseen problems). Each new member will MAKE SURE THERE IS A RETURN ADDRESS ON EACH ENVELOPE'S TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. === When a new member joins, they must order all 5 reports. They will need all 5 reports so they can also resell them. The new members TOTAL COST $6 X 5 = $30. === IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in steps "1 through 6" or you will lose out on majority of your profits. Once you understand the way the 6X5 System works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, if you alter, it will NOT work!!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all five reports thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. All of the down line activity is lost and that is where you make the big money. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So DO NOT try to change anything other than what is instructed. It will not work for you. Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!! 1. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT #5. This person has made it through the cycle and is counting their fortune. 2. Move the name & address in REPORT #4 down TO REPORT #5. 3. Move the name & address in REPORT #3 down TO REPORT #4. 4. Move the name & address in REPORT #2 down TO REPORT #3. 5. Move the name & address in REPORT #1 down TO REPORT #2 6. Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY! (Using the cut & paste feature makes it easy) You can use your home address, that of a third party mail carrier, or a Post Office box. Where ever you feel most comfortable. ======================================================== *** Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case you lose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more. Once you see the reports, you will no doubt agree that $30 is a bargain. By putting forth real effort with the 6X5 System you will not only make money, but learn valuable techniques in marketing on the Internet. There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going: ======================================================== METHOD # 1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY ======================================================== Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume that you and those involved send out only 5,000 emails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands emails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 emails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report #1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 email each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's 100 people who responded and ordered Report #2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 emails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report #3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 emails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report #4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 emails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) emails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report #5. THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $6 EACH=$600,000.00. Your total income in this example is: 1... $60 + 2... $600 + 3... $6,000 + 4... $60,000 + 5... $600,000.... Grand Total=$666,660.00 NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. GET A PENCIL & PAPER AND FIGURE OUT THE WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT, YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY! ======================================================= REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO WILL PARTICIPATE. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one quarter of those people mailed 100,000 e-mails each or more? There are over 150 million people on the Internet worldwide and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more! ======================================================= METHOD # 2: BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET ======================================================= Advertising on the net is very, very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a larger response. This is an excellent way to get started if you are low on cash! You will, however, have a little less work if you start with Method #1 and add METHOD #2 as you go along. For every $6 you receive, all you must do is email them the Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders. This will guarantee that the email they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report. ================== AVAILABLE REPORTS================= ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $6 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, NEATLY print or type the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (plus an alternate one if available) plus your name and postal address. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THESE REPORTS NOW: (Remember to check online or at your post office for the postal rate for sending letters outside your country when applicable) ____________________________________________________________ REPORT # 1: "The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Net" Order Report # 1 from: Dr. David Shrake 484 East Carmel Dr. Ste. 168 Carmel, IN 46032 USA ____________________________________________________________ REPORT # 2 : "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk e-mail on the Net" Order Report # 2 from : Osgood Willington, ESQ. 3439 NE Sandy Blvd Apt. 638 Portland Or. 97232 USA ____________________________________________________________ REPORT # 3 : "The Secret to Multilevel Marketing on the Net" Order Report # 3 from: Vanel Harrell 8417 Oswego Road PMB 216 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 USA ___________________________________________________________ REPORT # 4 : "How to Become a Millionaire Utilizing MLM & the Net" Order Report # 4 from: Ms Vivian Gorby 4579 Laclede Ave. #512 St. Louis, MO 63108 USA ____________________________________________________________ REPORT # 5 : "HOW TO SEND 1 MILLION E-MAILS FOR FREE" Order Report # 5 from: Ross Wassall, DDS 3232 Cobb Parkway Number 196 Atlanta, GA 30339 USA ____________________________________________________________ $$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: === If you do not receive at least 100 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. === After you have received 100 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 500 orders or more for REPORT #2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. === Once you have received 500 or more orders for Report #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF EMAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business!!!
Received on Thursday, 22 November 2001 15:36:07 UTC