Length of a day.

I wonder if the W3C XML Schema recommendation is conform to ISO 8601 on 
the issue of the length of a day.

W3C XML Schema:

3.2.9 date

[Definition:]  date represents a calendar date. The ·value space· of 
date is the set of Gregorian calendar dates as defined in § 5.2.1 of 
[ISO 8601]. Specifically, it is a set of one-day long, non-periodic 
instances e.g. lexical 1999-10-26 to represent the calendar date 
1999-10-26, independent of how many hours this day has.

ISO 8601:
§ 5.2.1 doesn't say what a "date" is, but this is defined in the "3 
Terms and definition":

3.3 date, calendar: A particuliar day of the calendar year


3.5 day: A period of 24 hours starting at 0000 and ending at 2400

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Received on Saturday, 27 October 2001 04:55:26 UTC