Can final="extension" for simpleType?

The Datatypes rec and the Schema for Datatypes do not allow the value
"extension" for the final attribute of a simpleType.

However, section 3.4.6 of the Structures rec (under Derivation Valid
(Extension)) says:

2 If the {base type definition} is a simple type definition, then all of the
following must be true:
  2.1 The {content type} must be the same simple type definition.
  2.2 The {final} of the {base type definition} must not contain extension.

It seems that 2.2 will always be true.  Is this an oversight?

Priscilla Walmsley         
Vitria Technology           
Author, Definitive XML Schema    (Prentice Hall, Dec. 2001)

Received on Monday, 22 October 2001 09:23:35 UTC