Re: Relative path in Include Element

Henry Thompson writes:

>> The URL of the schema document should be used 
>> as the base for relative URLs in the 
>> schemaLocation attributes of xs:include and xs:import, 
>> in my opinion, although I don't _think_ the REC says 
>> anything about this.

I agree, but would put it slightly differently:  as we've all said 
repeatedly, schemaLocation is a hint.  It's a hint.  It's a hint. 
Processors can ignore any or all schemaLocations if they so desire.  They 
can therefore choose to ignore relative ones, among others. 

 A reasonable interpretation of RFC 2396, section 5.2 [1], is that a 
schema processor designed in conformance with general web URI architecture 
will indeed interpret the relative URI as Henry suggests, if it chooses to 
honor the hint at all.  The schema specification does not restate or 
reinterpret the usual rules for handling URIs on the Web, except when 
schema-specific issues arise.


Noah Mendelsohn                                    Voice: 1-617-693-4036
Lotus Development Corp.                            Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 10:53:46 UTC