how to determine which schema files to load

Hi All,

In playing around with XSDL, the semantics of include and their relationship
with targetNamespaces is unclear.

Specifically, suppose one has a single targetnamespace (ex
"http://server/mynamespace") which consists of two schema files, "A" and
"B". "A" includes "B". 

When resolving a reference to a type in that namespace
("http//server/mynamespace), how does one know which schema file to load? It
seems there always is, for each target namespace, a "root" schema which
includes all the others and--directly or indirectly--includes others. But
how does one know which is the "root" schema versus the included ones, to
resolve? Generally, to resolve a type reference, on uses an Entity Resolver
(in sax, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver), but EntityResolvers should not have to
understand what is the root schema of a namespace versus the included


Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2001 12:35:15 UTC