Re: Base64 input

Thank you for the clarification; it was needed.

> What do existing implementations do with a string like "abc=de=="?

It varies.  Some keep reading until end-of-file, so they'll treat it as
concatenated base64 encodings, joining them into one result.  Some still
stop after the first.

> I think I'm hearing you say that yes, you think it's worthwhile
> for XML Schema processors to check that the equal signs are where
> they ought to be in correct data, and nowhere else (so that
> "abc=de==" raises a type error right away).

Yes.  It should fail at the "same place" that "1g2" would fail as a
value for xsd:decimal.

Zolera Systems, Your Key to Online Integrity
Securing Web services: XML, SOAP, Dig-sig, Encryption

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2001 10:33:45 UTC