[pointless:Partiles:Structure]: i cannot understand this phrase...

this question is about pointless of Partiles in Structure spec.

 Schema Component Constraint: Particle Valid(Restriction)
  One of the following must be true: 
  2.2.1 {particles} is empty "and the particle within which this <choice> appears has {min occurs} of 0. "
  2.2.2 All of the following must be true: The particle within which this <choice> appears has {max occurs} and {min occurs} of 1. One of the following must be true: The <choice>'s {particles} has only one member. The particle within which this <choice> appears is itself among the {particles} of a <choice>. 

 in above 2.2.1,
 i cannot understand why "and the particle within which this <choice> appears has {min occurs} of 0." is appended... 
"{particles} is empty" is not enough?.. 
anybody can answer me?

Received on Friday, 6 July 2001 05:18:35 UTC