Comments on 2 May XML Schema Primer

Thanks for a good introduction to the complexity of this large specification.  Most of the material seems clear and well-explained.  My comments are small requests for additional information in the Primer:** Section 2.2.1, Occurance Constraints somehow leaves out the default value for the use attribute.** Global attributes are mentioned throughout the Primer.  However, their use is never described.  From other material, it seems global attributes may be applied to any element in an instance.  How does this relate to validation rules for those elements?** The qualification rules described in section 3 seem to conflict with the XML Namespace Recommendation's rules for the default namespace.  I am probably missing something.  It would be good to have that something explained in the Primer.Separately, the Errata page may be empty but it's pretty hard to tell with a browser that handles style sheets.  The font name should be "Times New Roman" rather than "New Times Roman" in the em!
bedded style sheet at the top of,    doug

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