Re: XML Schema - RDF Schema integration

Dear Hans,

Always loath to push my own work but you might find this interesting:

"Combining RDF and XML Schemas to Enhance Metadata Interoperability Between 
Application Profiles"

| Jane Hunter                 | Senior Research Scientist           |
| DSTC Pty Ltd                | Distributed Systems Technology CRC  |
| Level 7, GP South           | Tel   : +61 7 3365 4310             |
| University of Queensland    | Fax   : +61 7 3365 4311             |
| Queensland 4072, Australia  | Email :            |

> Dear Sirs,
> I am trying to find my way through the myriad of XML-related draft,
> proposed, candidate, and actual W3G recommendations. This is close to
> finding your way in London as a total stranger without having a map (is
> there any for the XML World?)
> I have a particular question to you:
> What happened after the 'Cambridge Communique of Oct. 1999
> (
> Neither in XML Schema Part 1 nor in Part 2 I can find anything done with
> the request to modify XML Schema as if RDF Schema were part of the same
> XML family. In Part 2 RDF is only mentioned as a non-normative
> reference.
> Regards,
> Hans
> Hans Teijgeler
> Senior Manager Information Systems
> Fluor Corporation
> Haarlem, The Netherlands

Received on Monday, 7 May 2001 08:31:20 UTC