XML Schema Quality Checker


     We are glad to announce the release on IBM Alphaworks at
http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xmlsqc of the latest version of
XML Schema Quality Checker.
     XML Schema Quality Checker is a program which takes as input an XML
Schema written in the W3C XML schema language and diagnoses improper uses
of the schema language. Where the appropriate action to correct the schema
is not obvious, the diagnostic message may include a suggestion about how
to make the fix.
     For Schemas which are composed of numerous schema documents connected
via <include> <import> or <redefine> element information items, a full
schema-wide checking is performed. The tool can also be run in batch mode
to quality check multiple XML schemas in a single run.

     Achille Fokoue,
     IBM Zurich Research Lab.

Received on Monday, 30 April 2001 10:46:50 UTC