eXtensible Interchange Language (was [Re: XML Interoperability] )

Hello XML & XSL developers,

I have been wondering if there is any proposed
	eXtensible Interchange Language . . .

	Many computational codes use their own definitions of geometry
	and "boundary conditions"/etc for simulations of physical behaviour,
	and I am aware of VRML and (vaguely) 3DML(?) 

	However, although companies support ouput (and sometimes import),
	this does not make very legible geometric "objects"/etc

	Is there any proposal to develop a common XML language
	that big companies could share?

Anticipating with great interest,


"Roger L. Costello" wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have a few thoughts about XML Interoperability that I would like to
> kick around with ya'll.
> <snip/>
David DS Barnes
	mechanical eng,imperial college		|	t:0171 594 7181
	exhibition rd, london, sw7 2bx		|	f:0171 594 7127

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2000 09:59:14 UTC