A "third-party" request for datatypes

Last month I talked with a fellow in the semiconductor industry, Mauro
Simonetti (mauro.simonetti@st.com), who very much wanted to make sure that
XML Schema could handle all the datatypes that they need, since he felt
they were "so basic."  He would, of course, prefer that his datatypes be
covered natively (as built-ins?), but that's what everyone wants.  Perhaps,
if his items are of general enough utility, they could be a schema module
that we would put in an include library (but I'm not really qualified to
comment!).  I promised I would pass along his lists:


1		10	0	
2	Yotta	10	24	Y
3	Zetta	10	21	Z
4	Exa	10	18	E
5	Peta	10	15	P
6	Tera	10	12	T
7	Giga	10	9	G
8	Mega	10	6	M
9	Kilo	10	3	K
10	milli	10	-3	m
11	micro	10	-6	µ
12	nano	10	-9	n
13	pico	10	-12	p
14	femto	10	-15	f
15	atto	10	-18	a
16	zepto	10	-21	z
17	yocto	10	-24	y
18	Tera	2	40	T
19	Giga	2	30	G
20	Mega	2	20	M
21	Kilo	2	10	K
22		2	10	

2	Volt	Volts	V
3	Ampere	Amperes	A
4	Watt	Watts	W
5	Ohm	Ohms	Ohm
6	Hertz	Hertz	Hz
7	Second	Seconds	s
8	Inch	Inches	In
9	Farad	Farads	F
10	Pixel	Pixels	px
11	Bit	Bits	b
12	Byte	Bytes	B
13	Decibel	Decibels	dB
14	Centigrade	Centigrades	°C
15	Meter	Meters	m
16	P-rating	P-rating	P-rating
17	V/µA	V/µA	V/µA
18	A/µs	A/µs	A/µs
19	A/ms	A/ms	A/ms
20	V/µs	V/µs	V/µs
21	10exp(-4)/°C	10exp(-4)/°C	10-4/°C
22	Degree/Watt	Degree/Watt	°C/W
23	Decibel c	Decibel c	dBc
24	Percentage	Percentage	%
25	Decibel/1 mW	Decibel/1 mW	dBm


Received on Sunday, 15 August 1999 12:03:51 UTC