- From: Arnold, Curt <Curt.Arnold@hyprotech.com>
- Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 12:34:26 -0600
- To: "'www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org'" <www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org>
1. In the Schema for Schema's you allow attrDecl's to appear as a child element of schema. The DTD does not. The DTD appears to be correct since their is no way to reuse an attrDecl that is not in an attrGroup. <!ELEMENT schema ((import*, include*, export?, (comment | datatype | archetype | elementType | attrGroup | modelGroup | notation | textEntity | externalEntity | unparsedEntity)* ))> 2. The comment element type appears in the content for the schema element in the DTD but is not defined. 3. It would seem to be reasonable to require datatype to precede any attrGroup or elementType definition and attrGroup to precede any elementType declaration and eliminate the need for any forward link resolution for these items. That is: <!ELEMENT schema ((import*, include*, export?, datatype*,attrGroup*,(archetype | elementType | modelGroup | notation | textEntity | externalEntity | unparsedEntity)* ))> 4. Text entity in the schema for schema's does not have a name attribute (does in the DTD). 5. Due to the fairly large number of inconsistancies between the schema for schema's and the DTD, in subsequent revisions, it would be better to author in the schema for schemas and generate the DTD using an application. 6. Have a happy 4th of July
Received on Thursday, 1 July 1999 14:36:26 UTC