Minor comments

Congratulations on a good start to the datatypes spec. Here are some minor
technical comments related to the definition and use of dates and some other
points I am unclear about.

In issue associated with 3.3.4 date you mention the use of colons in dates.
As far as I remember colons can only be used in times.

In 3.3.6 timePeriod the second of the bulletted items appears to have an
incorrect example - it shows a full SQL dateTime spec rather than  a

In the examples used for the user defined holidays datatype the four dates
should be preceded by two hyphens rather than one to indicate that both the
century and year have been omitted.

Other points of note that surprised me:

There is no way to say "up to m occurrences" of a symbol using a {,m}
construct within a regular expression.

The definition of the model group definition of bounds in the Schema for
Schemas appears to be incorrect. I suspect you have used sequence and choice
in the wrong order

You have an element called lexicalRepresenation in one example (methinks a t
is missing in both the start and end tag)

The only way to indicate that numbers can have spaces between triplets is by
using a regular expression (the use of spaces in place of a comma is common
practice in Europe)

One thing was particularly unclear:
For a currency I would want to specify three things: A decimal number, an
ISO 3166 country code and a Currency Symbol. The order of these three things
may differ from country to country. For example US$123.45 or $HK123.45. Note
that most European countries now have two currencies,
e.g. 12345pts or &Euro;62.12 are both applicable in Spain.
An example of how to build a complex datatype, based on a combination of
base datatypes, with or without ordering, would be much appreciated.
Note: A similar thing occurs with lengths, where you need a decimal number
followed by one of a set of permitted lengthtype qualifiers that forms an
enumerated list for the datatype. From the current spec I am unclear how I
would define a length in terms of nautical-miles, leagues or pixels, to name
just three possibilities.

Martin Bryan

Martin Bryan, 29 Oldbury Orchard, Churchdown, Glos GL3 2PU, UK
Phone/Fax: +44 1452 714029 E-mail: mtbryan@sgml.u-net.com
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Received on Friday, 7 May 1999 08:49:47 UTC