Re: Data-model, xsi namespace


The "" namespace
should be treated just as any other namespace, and thus should
appear in the corresponding infoset as a member of an element's
[namespace attributes] property rather than its [attributes]
property. That is the reason why namespace declarations will
not appear as attributes in the data model either. (For more
information see the XML Information Set, dated 2001-08-10).

On the other hand not listing the xsi:schemaLocation attribute
was a mistake. We will fix it in the next revision.

Best regards,
Marton Nagy
XML Query WG

> From: Oleg Tkachenko []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 9:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Data-model, xsi namespace
> Hello!
> Is "" namespace treated in the
> Data Model as any other namespace ? I'm just wondering about sample xml
> document in appendix D, why in the data model for the example xsi
> namespace and xsi:schemaLocation asttribute are omitted ?
> --
> Oleg Tkachenko
> Multiconn International, Israel

Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 02:46:08 UTC