staticEnv.varType or staticEnv.typeDecl in DataType normalization?

In XQuery Formal Semantic 26 Mar. 2002 version,section 4.13.1Referring 
datatypes,I find that the rule [ element of type QName ] refers the 
staticEnv.varType to get the QName's corresponding type definition.
I cannot figure out why use varType environment,instead of typeDecl 
Here is the quotation of typeDecl and varType context definition in the 
FS:Section Static Context says "statEnvs.typeDecl: maps type names 
(QName) onto their type definitions(a type)".But "statEnvs.varType maps 
variable or parameter names to their static type".

So,I think the semantic of "element of type QName" should look up the 
statEnvs.typeDecl,not the varType context.

I'm looking forward to anyone's reply.
Phenix Shieh

Ãâ·ÑÏÂÔØ MSN Explorer:

Received on Sunday, 4 August 2002 23:43:28 UTC