XML Query Use Case SEQ

XML Query Use Cases
W3C Working Draft 15 February 2001

1.3 Use Case SEQ:

For each query, the Expected Result is embedded in a <result> element.
However, none of the Solutions in XQuery construct this element.

In query 4 (, in the Solution in XQuery,
should probably be
as in all the other queries.

Again in query 4, in the Solution in XQuery, consider the expression:
    EVERY $a IN ... SATISFIES $a AFTER ...
XQuery Appendix B says that Quantifiers (SOME/EVERY x IN y SATISFIES z) are
at precendence level 6, whereas AFTER (x AFTER y) is at level 7. Thus, the
expression should be parsed as
    ( EVERY $a IN ... SATISFIES $a ) AFTER ...
which is not what you want. (It doesn't even pass type-checking.) Instead,
you need to parenthesize the AFTER subexpression:
    EVERY $a IN ... SATISFIES ( $a AFTER ... ) 

Still in query 4, to express "the first Incision",
should probably be changed to
as in other queries.  I think they happen to be equivalent for this
particular DTD, but you wouldn't want to encourage sloppy thinking.

-Michael Dyck

Received on Monday, 5 March 2001 03:41:57 UTC