- From: Jonathan Robie <Jonathan.Robie@SoftwareAG-USA.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:28:10 -0400
- To: www-xml-query-comments@w3.org
Dear Michael, This is a response to the following message, which you posted to the XML Query Working Group's comments list: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-query-comments/2001Apr/0049.html Here are our responses: > contains You are right, the contains function in XPath does not mention case sensitivity. This function is underspecified, and we will raise an issue on Joint Task Force on Functions and Operators that XQuery and XSL participate on. We will also need to consider full-text search operators for contains. It is also possible that we will decide that we need to have more than one function for this range of functionality. > 1.6.3 Sample Data I have fixed that spelling now. > Q1 In the current release of the document, we give this query and solution: Solution in XQuery: //news_item/title[contains(./text(), "Foobar Corporation")] Expected Results <title>Foobar Corporation releases its new line of Foo products today</title> <title>Foobar Corporation is suing Gorilla Corporation for patent infringement </title> > Q3 & Q6 > >contains_in_same_sentence() and contains_stems_in_same_sentence(): >These seem pretty ad hoc to be built-in functions, so are they > supposed to be user-defined functions for which the definition > hasn't been written yet? Yes, these are indeed rather ad-hoc. I am adding editorial notes that point this out. >(1) >The Solution in XQuery uses > string( ($item//par)[1] ) >but this doesn't reproduce the <quote> element in the Expected Result. >Instead, use > ($item//par)[1]/node() Although the <quote/> element itself is not reproduced, the text of the element is. I do not believe the query results are wrong here. >(2) >The Expected Result's whitespace doesn't match that of the news document. I have corrected the whitespace in most of the use cases, but in this particular use case, the correct whitespace makes the results very hard to read. Therefore, I added an editorial note that mentions this. >Pulling all these together, I suggest: I have put together parts of your query and parts of the earlier use cases query to produce the following: LET $companies := distinct( document("data/text-data.xml")//company/name/text() UNION document("data/text-data.xml")//company//partner/text() UNION document("data/text-data.xml")//company//competitor/text()) FOR $item IN //news_item LET $places := $item/title UNION $item//par WHERE SOME $c1 IN $companies SATISFIES SOME $c2 IN $companies SATISFIES ( $c1 != $c2 AND contains_stems_in_same_sentence( $places/text(), $c1, $c2, "acquire") ) RETURN $item We appreciate your feedback on the XML Query specifications. Please let us know if this response is satisfactory. If not, please respond to this message, explaining your concerns. Jonathan Robie On behalf of the XML Query Working Group
Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 17:28:13 UTC