Re: Semantics of boolean operators

At 05:18 PM 6/19/2001 -0500, Leonidas Fegaras wrote:

>In section (boolean operators) you expressed the semantics of
>boolean operators using (simulated) existential quantification.
>This may not work very well for the following query:
>for $a in //book
>where $a/author/firstname/text() = "John"
>   and $a/author/lastname/text() = "Smith"
>return $a/title

I also find that part of the non-intuitive nature of the above query is due 
to the poor choice of variable name. Would the results be as surprising 
with an appropriate variable name?

for $book in //book
where $book/author/firstname/text() = "John"
   and $book/author/lastname/text() = "Smith"
return $book/title


Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 13:50:15 UTC