WD-query-semantics-20010607 : 6.2.2 Element and attribute constructors

Dear James,

This is a response to the following message, which you posted to the
XML Query Working Group's comments list:


The mapping you refer to is clearly erroneous. Thank you for pointing
it out.

The intended mapping rules were:

// cdata node creation
[[ <![CDATA[ C1C2C3... ]]> ]]_elem  ==>  cdata("C1C2C3...")

// nested element are mapped further
[[ <X>...</X'> ]]_elem              ==>  [[ <X>...</X'> ]]
[[ <X/> ]]_elem                     ==>  [[ <X/> ]]

The XML Query working group is currently working actively on updating
and correcting the mapping rules in Section 6, so that they fully
reflect XQuery 1.0 semantics.

We appreciate your feedback on the XML Query specifications.  Please
let us know if this response is satisfactory. If not, please respond
to this message, explaining your concerns.

Jerome Simeon
On behalf of the XML Query Working Group.

james anderson <james.anderson@setf.de> writes:
> 6.2.2 Element and attribute constructors
> I think I understand what this is intending to say, but the notation
> is not clear. Elsewhere in the document quoted terms express literal
> values. I would not understand that to be so in this case.
> // cdata node creation
> [[ "&lt;![CDATA[" C1C2C3... "]]&gt;" ]]_elem  ==>  cdata("C1C2C3...")
> // nested element are kept unchanged
> [[ "&lt;" X ">" ]]           ==>  "&lt;" X ">"

Received on Monday, 9 July 2001 09:46:05 UTC