Use of XQuery as a Notation

1) Constructs such as:

   FOR $p IN distinct(document("bib.xml")//publisher)
   LET $b := document("bib.xml")/book[publisher = $p]
   WHERE count($b) > 100
   RETURN $p

give the impression that XQuery is intended to be used as a notation within
the contents of XML documents that need to include the results of a query.
What mechanism should be used to identify that a particulay element is
defined in terms of the XQuery notation?

2) Where documents contain embedded queries can the queries reference the
namespaces in force within the document, or can they only reference
internally defined namespaces?

3) For a query to be widely reusable it should be possible to reference it
from within another document, using something along the lines of
<big_publishers qref="myqueries.xql#id(query2)"/>. How do the Query Working
Group intend to allow one document to reference a query defined in another
document in such a way as the result of the query is incorporated into the
referencing document at the point of reference?

Martin Bryan
The SGML Centre

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2001 07:05:01 UTC