
Dear Doug Ransom,

you wrote
I would like to suggest the comittee consider making a
requirement that there be a formal semantics for xml query.

"The XML Query WG agrees - a formal semantics is
more than just a requirement, it is a fundamental goal
of XML Query. The charter for XML Query says:
'The goal of the XML Query Working Group is to produce a
formal data model for XML documents with Namespaces (based on the XML
a set of query operators on that data model (a so-called algebra),
and then a query language with a concrete canonical syntax based
on the proposed operators.'

In addition, the Section 1 (Goals) of the requirements
document says: 'The goal of the XML Query Working Group is
to produce a data model for XML documents, a set of
query operators on that data model, and a query language based
on these query operators.'

A first step towards this formal semantics is the
XML Query Data Model (see"

All the best,

Peter Fankhauser

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 00:50:00 UTC