www-xml-query-comments@w3.org from May 2000 by thread

Two question about your data model Carlo Sartiani (Wednesday, 31 May)

Re: XML Schema response to XML Query Requirements Peter Fankhauser (Tuesday, 30 May)

Negligencias medicas Pedro Arbiol Camps (Thursday, 25 May)

Fwd: XSL response to Query Requirements Paul Cotton (Wednesday, 24 May)

DTDs are parts of documents but schemas are paired with documents Dan Connolly (Monday, 22 May)

in-your-face URLs: please don't. (editorial) Dan Connolly (Monday, 22 May)

great web hosting deals sE6SBMOU0@2guys.freeserve.co.uk (Saturday, 13 May)

[www-xml-query-comments] <none> Jorge L. GarcĂ­a (Friday, 12 May)

[www-xml-query-comments] <none> Xavier Nolot (Wednesday, 3 May)

Hello High School Alumni The Digital Yearbook (Thursday, 10 February)

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2000 08:37:56 UTC