Freedom means mobility.

Freedom means mobility.

For those who have problems with their feet or legs, 
mobility takes on a whole new meaning. 
Loss of freedom after sickness or injury can lead to
depression, the feeling of being imprisoned, and at the
whim of those you depend on.

Things don't have to be that way, and thats where we come in.  We are the
Driving Aids Development Corporation (DADC).  
We make hand controls, so the gas and brakes in your car, 
van, or truck may be controlled using the hands.
Our hand control is best there is!

If you or someone you know has a disability, 
you may want learn more about what we can do for you. 


AND include your:


Only responses which include full contact details
on how we can call you, will receive a follow up.

We will be glad to discuss how a hand control can give you
your freedom.  We'll show you how the safety, precision, 
and quality that is personified by DADC can get you
the most from a hand control.

Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2000 16:40:02 UTC