Steel Building Clearance

Looking for an industrial strength steel repair shop or storage building?

Look no further!

We have 8 new clearance buildings, one of which may fit your needs!

Simply send your name, phone number,(if you would like us to contact you 
immediately) and a written request for 
more information to:
(for removal instructions, please see below) 

And you will receive information via email within 24 to 48 hours!
You will also receive exclusive information about our canceled and 
clearance buildings, so
be sure to check your email box! 

IMPORTANT: For verification purposes, you MUST 
provide your name and a request for 
more information or no further information will be sent
to you. Your written request could be something as 
simple as writing "Please send more info."
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Received on Monday, 28 August 2000 22:59:35 UTC