Re: Unclear point in XML Base

Thank you for your comment on XML Base recorded at

You point out that Section 4.2 of the spec says:

># The base URI of an element is:
>#    1.  the base URI specified by an xml:base attribute on the element,
>#    if one exists, otherwise
>#    2.  the base URI of the element's parent element within the document
>#    or external entity, if one exists, otherwise
>#    3.  the base URI of the document entity or external entity containing
>#    the element.

and you ask for clarification.

The maintenance of XML Base has been picked up by the XML Core WG.  

In response to your comment, we have issued an erratum reflected
by the Errata document at 
wherein we clarified the wording by adding the word "entity" to the 
second bullet point, as follows:

  2. the base URI of the element's parent element within the document entity
  or external entity, if one exists, otherwise

We hope this provides the clarification you requested.

Paul Grosso
for the XML Core WG

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 12:34:37 UTC