Re: [xml-dev] XLink 1.1 - Discard "locator-type elements"?

In a message dated 10/03/02 13:10:33 GMT Standard Time, 

> Note also that more than one locator can identify the same resource in 
> different roles, clarifying the structure of a complex link which may have 
> many arcs.


Given one locator-type element how are multiple roles expressed? As I 
understand it the xlink:role attribute is used to express role on a 
locator-type element. XML 1.0 allows only one attribute of a particular name 
on an individual element. Additionally the only permitted child element for a 
locator-type element is a title-type element, so how are these multiple roles 
that you mention expressed?

Andrew Watt

Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 05:21:54 UTC