Re: XPointer point() test

Claudio Tasso wrote:
> Given the following document:
> <doc>Hello World</doc>
> Does the expression xpointer(/doc/point()[2]) return something ?
> Is the result  a character-point between the letter "H" and the letter "e" or
> an empty location-set ?

I believe /doc/point() (and thus /doc/point()[2]) yields an empty
location-set regardless of the document. The second step is an
abbreviation of child::point(), the 'child' axis can contain only nodes,
and the 'point()' test is false for all of them, so the result is an
empty set.

So xpointer(/doc/point()[2]) always has a sub-resource error.

-Michael Dyck

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2002 02:34:30 UTC