RE: Resolving references against base URIs

At 15:45 2002 04 11 +0100, Williams, Stuart wrote:
>Hi Jeremy,
>> e,f,i,j,k,l
>> Base does apply to same document references in RDF/XML
>I think that you're changing the semantics of URI references as defined in
>RFC2396, particularly section 4.2, same document references. I think your
>answers would be correct only for those cases where the in-scope base URI
>and the URI from which the document were retrieved are the same.


I'm not sure what you are saying here--can you expand?  I haven't been able
to see Jeremy's HTML file, and I'm not sure I understand what his answers
are in the cases he lists below, but I don't see how the in-scope base URI
and the document's retrieval URI could affect same document references.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeremy Carroll []
>> Sent: 10 April 2002 18:43
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Resolving references against base URIs
>> This is a comment about RFC 2396 that I have been actioned to 
>> send on behalf
>> of the W3C RDF Core Working Group [1]
>> The key issue concern resolving same document references 
>> and/or resolving
>> against non-hierarchical URIs.
>> These have been causing us difficulty in using xml:base
>> As one of our deliverables we produce test cases [2].
>> A summary table of our URI resolution problems is as follows;
>> the answers we have agreed are in the attached HTML file.
>> EASY:
>> a ""      "../relfile"
>> b ""      "/absfile"
>> c ""      "//"
>> d ""      "../../../relfile"
>> e ""      ""
>> f ""      "#frag"
>> g ""               "relfile"
>> h "" "relfile"
>> i "" "#foo"
>> j "" ""
>> k ""     "#foo"
>> l ""     ""
>> m ""     "relfile"
>> We have reached consensus on and approved all these tests 
>> except for the
>> last which some of us consider an error and others resolve as 
>> indicated in
>> the html file.
>> The rationales for our views are approximately as follows:
>> d ""      "../../../relfile"
>> [[[RFC2396
>>    In practice, some implementations strip leading relative symbolic
>>    elements (".", "..") after applying a relative URI 
>> calculation, based
>>    on the theory that compensating for obvious author errors is better
>>    than allowing the request to fail.
>> ]]]
>> Not permitted in RDF/XML.
>> e,f,i,j,k,l
>> Base does apply to same document references in RDF/XML
>> g
>> Failure to insert / is a bug with RFC 2396
>> h,i,j
>> Strip frag id from base uri ref before resolving.
>> Notice j is particularly surprising.
>> k,l
>> Same document reference resolution even works for 
>> non-hierarchical uris.
>> m
>> - no consensus
>> The test suite is structured as follows:
>> The positive tests on the test cases web site show a usage of 
>> xml:base in
>> RDF/XML and the resolution of that usage in terms of the RDF 
>> graph produced
>> (with absolute URI ref labels). Each test consists of two 
>> files, an RDF/XML
>> document and an n-triple file (substitute .rdf with .nt in 
>> the URL), being a
>> list of the edges of the graph.
>> The negative test case shows possibly illegal usage of 
>> xml:base in RDF/XML.
>> Our intent is that these tests will be part of a normative 
>> revision of the
>> RDF recommendation.
>> Jeremy Carroll
>> HP Rep W3C RDF Core WG
>> [1]
>> 2002-03-22#4:  jeremy Send with appropriate tests
>> [2]

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 11:11:58 UTC