Re: XLink specified in XML Schema

"Vun Kannon, David" wrote:
> I agree and understand. I don't think providing a normative schema for XLink
> creates a dependency, any more than publishing a RELAX module would create a
> dependency. Given that the XLink editors have to allocate their very scarce
> resources, my request merely indicates my preference of documentation in XML
> Schema over DTD and RELAX.

The most important point IMHO in Simon's request:

> > From: Simon "St.Laurent []
> > While I wouldn't  necessarily object to inclusion of a normative XML
> > Schema, I would strongly oppose any effort to make XLink processing
> > dependent on XML Schema processing.
> >

is that XLink processing by itself should not rely on ANY schema

If people want to use a tool of their choice (it can be a schema
language such as DTD, W3C XML Schema or any other one supporting default
attribute values but it can also be a XSLT transformation or a SAX
filter) that provides to XLink processors the full infoset it needs
without putting on the shoulders of the authors the burden to supply all
the attributes, that's fine but it is independent of XLink.

I would personally feel much better if all of these workarounds were
kept as non normative examples of light syntax since, again, they do not
affect XLink processing but just rely on the behavior of XML parsers
supporting a schema language X, Y or Z.


> Cheers,
> David vun Kannon
Pour y voir plus clair dans la nebuleuse XML...
Eric van der Vlist   

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 03:03:30 UTC