XLink generator

We are making consistencycheck.com (technically, an XLink generator) 
available on a preliminary technical release. We believe it would be 
of interest to readers of this list and would be grateful for any 
technical feedback. A short outline below.

Many thanks,




name: letme
password: checkit

consistencycheck.com is a lightweight application service which 
allows you to generate links between documents based on business 
rules. You simply tell consistencycheck.com the XML documents you 
want to check and the rules you want to check them against. 
consistencycheck.com will return to you a set of XLinks you can use 
to navigate between those documents based on their compliance with 
the rules.

For example:

You have many documents - advertisements, web pages, product 
catalogues, technical specifications, all containing product numbers, 
names and descriptions. You want to know if these are consistent. In 
other words you want to be sure that you are not saying one thing in 
one place and another completely different thing in another place! 
consistencycheck.com will give you links that allow you to navigate 
between inconsistent and consistent elements and will diagnose the 
consistency problems that arise. You will be able to track the 
consistency as your documents change. All this without editing your 


Anthony Finkelstein (Prof.) 	| TEL: +44 (0)20 7679 7293 (Direct Dial)
University College London	| FAX: +44 (0)20 7387 1397
Dept. of Computer Science   	| EMAIL: a.finkelstein@cs.ucl.ac.uk
Gower Street,                	| http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/A.Finkelstein
London WC1E 6BT              	| OFFICE: 109, Pearson Building
United Kingdom               	| PGP Key on request

Received on Monday, 14 August 2000 10:02:20 UTC