XML C14N and XML Base

Both of XML Base and Canonical XML are at the last-call stage.

XML Base introduces an attribute called "xml:base".  Just like
xml:lang and xml:space, xml:base specified by an element is used by
its subordinate elements.  There is one important difference, however.

"4. Resolving Relative URIs" [http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase]

>The scope of xml:base does not extend into external entities, 
>but it does extend into internal entities.

XML C14n does consider part-whole inheritance of attributes.

"5 XML Document Subsets" [http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n]

>All element nodes along E's ancestor axis are examined for nearest
>occurences of attributes in the xml namespace, such as xml:lang and
>xml:space (whether or not they are in the node-set).

However, this would extend the scope of xml:base beyond 
boundaries of external entities.


IBM Tokyo Research Lab / International University of Japan, Research Institute
MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2000 03:34:06 UTC