RE: xlxp-dev: XLink 1999-12-20 WD: more comments

At 02:44 PM 01/17/2000 -0500, Kevin Williams wrote:
>I agree - I believe the intent was to allow navigation from (and to)
>participating local resources by specifying an explicit arc with a from or
>to value corresponding to the role of the resource-type element that defines
>the local resource. Otherwise, what would be the point of declaring a local
>resource? Perhaps a slight revision in the text in section 3.1.4 - from
>"locator-type element" to "locator- or resource-type element" - would do the

Yep -- that'd work for me, too. Thanks for the suggestion!

John E. Simpson            |  I spilled spot remover on my dog.        |  He's gone now.      |  (Stephen Wright)

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 15:02:56 UTC