minor comments for CR-xptr-20000607

Here are three minor comments for your XPointer Candidate 
Recommendation [1]. I found this version of XPointer to be clear and 

In 3.4 par. 1, "(suitably escaping)" could read "(suitably escaped)". 
(Not certain.)

In 5.2 last example, should the namespace-uri be 'http://example.com/foo'?

In Appendix A, XML-Names, "Textuality, Hewlett-Packard, and 
Microsoft." can be omitted.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-xptr-20000607

Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch, W3C

Received on Saturday, 17 June 2000 03:30:44 UTC