Concrete examples in XPointer specification

I am reading the XPointer specification. There are several sections where a
concrete example of XPointer code might help to better understand the
described concept. For example, in the definition of node-point and
character-point it is mentioned the so called index. It is not clear,
however, how the container node and the index should be provided. For
example, in

<p>This is a <em>very short</em> paragraph</p>

we have that the container node p has three child nodes: a text node, an em
node, and another text node. The node-point with container node p and index
0 should corrispond to the location before all child nodes. How do I write
that in XPointer?


How do I specify the node-point between the em node and the second text


How do I specify the character point between "para" and "graph" ?


How should I use point() and range() functions? Really some more example
might significantly help readers.


I do not understand the

#xpointer( expr to expr )

syntax. It makes no sense to use a "to" in a function. It would be better
to have

#xpointer( expr/to(expr) )

Dr. Dario de Judicibus - IBM Global Services
EMEA Knowledge Management Consulting Group

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