- From: <webmaster\@codecranker.com@pup7.conepuppy.com>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 02:29:08 -0500
- To: www-xml-linking-comments@w3.org
We've added the following link into our directory: Title : XML Pointer Language (XPointer) URL : http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xptr Category : Data_Formats/MIME_Types/text/xml/References_and_Standards Description : The W3C working draft of the XPointer specification. It specifies constructs that support addressing into the internal structures of XML documents. It provides for specific reference to elements, character strings, and other parts of XML documents, whether or not they bear an explicit ID attribute. (W3C) You can see your new listing at: http://www.codecranker.com Although it's not required a reciprocal link of any form would be GREATLY appreciated. CodeCranker.com is the programmer's Search Engine. If you're looking for programming related information on the internet, this is the place you want to go. As a bonus, we also offer free E-Mail and Web pages to programmers (without spamming you or your surfers with crap). Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, The CodeCranker Please Note. You may have already gotten this message. If this is the case then please accept my appologies and my assurance that this Will NOT happen again. We've recently had a major server crash but have now rectified the situation. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
Received on Sunday, 19 September 1999 03:29:10 UTC