Re: Reasons for retaining CDATA section boundaries

> - Text escaped with CDATA sections may be more readable by humans.
>   This is especially true for "quoted XML".
> - It may also improve interoperability with non-XML tools.  For
>   example, it is entirely reasonable to run "grep" on an XML file, or
>   on a directory containing both XML and non-XML files, and a search
>   for "AT&T" will not match AT&T.
> - There may even be applications that extract text (such as scripts)
>   from XML documents without parsing, on the assumption that the
>   relevant text is contained in a CDATA section.

IMHO, none of these examples requires *preservation* of CDATA sections
or CDATA sections in the infoset.  Rather, they merely show that
programs for writing XML documents in files should be able to use
CDATA sections, at user option.


IBM Tokyo Research Lab &
International University of Japan, Research Institute


Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2001 18:21:51 UTC