formal model non-normative?

DuCharme, Robert writes:

 > "The XML Information Set specification shall include a non-normative
 > formal model that allows for machine testing and verification of the
 > information set."
 > I couldn't figure out why the formal model would be non-normative. I
 > would think that a normative formal component would provide a more solid
 > foundation on which to build automated systems. The reasoning for making
 > it non-normative should be included in the infoset spec.

It's essentially the same as an "in case of disagreement" warning on a
gas pump -- if a spec describes the same thing in more than one way
(say, but human-readable prose and a machine-readable formal model),
it is essential that only one of the two be normative.  The WG decided
that, in line with most W3C specs, the prose should be normative.

All the best,


David Megginson       

Received on Saturday, 13 March 1999 08:40:47 UTC