- From: Caesar <caesarprince@yahoo.com.cn>
- Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 20:10:54
- To: "www-xml-fragment-comments" <www-xml-fragment-comments@w3.org>
Dear Sirs, I know you form internet! I think you will be interested in our product:htpb.Would you like to vist this product? please look at the below details. The hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) was synthesized by free radix polymerization in higher-pressure reactor, with H2O2(50%by weight) as initiator, alcohol as solvent. The appearance of HTPB is a kind of light yellow or colorless liquid.It can apply as adhesive of solid propellant. Introduction: Molecule Structure: HO-(CH2-CH=CH-CH2)n-OH 1, Natural Capacity: Appearance: Colorless or yellowish transparent liquid .The hydroxyl content (mmol/g) varies from 0.50 to 1.00 and the average molecule weight (g/mol) varies from2300 to 4500. 2,Usage: HTPB can be used to produce all kinds of adhesive, sealant, coatings, rubber modifier, reaction & injection, typecasting. It can also apply as adhesive of solid propellant, insulation inner lining of engine, healing of engine and coating of submarine. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience! Best regards. Yours truly Min Wang Marketing Department Qilu Chemicals Co.,LTD. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Address: 116# Road Linzi Zibo Shandong China. Tel: 86-533-7482817 Fax: 86-533-7480591 URL http://htpb.8u8.com 使用极星邮件群发,无须通过邮件服务器,直达对方邮箱,速度绝对一流! 下载网址:http://love2net.51.net/,更多免费的超酷软件等你来下…… ---------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION This message has been sent using a trial-run version of the TSmtpRelayServer Delphi Component. ----------------------------------------------------
Received on Sunday, 20 January 2002 07:11:49 UTC