Re: Possibly confusing description in FCS overview

Thank you for your comment.  It does seem that a clarification
could profitably be made in the next draft.  As editor, I'll
put this item on the list of things to consider.


At 19:56 1999 07 29 -0400, you wrote:
>In the section "Overview of the fcs" is a paragraph that begins
>	The content of the f:fcs element shall be a subtree [...] from
>	the parent document's namespace.
>That sentence and the one following it could be misread (I believe) as
>requiring that an FCS be a complete subtree in the original XML
>document (disallowing the omission of any descendants of that
>subtree's root).  Of course, the examples and the Note at the
>beginning of that section helped clarify the issue.
>Sudarshan S. Chawathe

Received on Thursday, 29 July 1999 20:00:31 UTC