Questions encountered during translating XML 1.1 CR

HI, there,

I am a voluntary translator from China. I am recently translating XML 1.1 CR and encountered 

several problems that need confirmation. So I am posting them here for your help.

Thank you in advance.

0) Does the word "deliverable" have any special meaning in the context of W3C Processing 



{{ //from Introduction

has remained (by intention) unchanged with respect to what is __well-formed XML__ and what 

is not. 

Is it safe to add a "document" after "well-formed XML" to make the meaning explicit?

{{ //from Introduction

Since Unicode will continue to grow past version 3.1, further changes to XML can be avoided 

by allowing almost any character, including those not yet ___assigned___, in names.


Do those characters that are not yet assigned mean the characters each of which has not been 

assigned a code point?


If a document is well-formed or valid XML 1.0, and provided it does not contain any 

characters in the range [#x7F-#x9F] ___other than as character escapes___, it may be made 

well-formed or valid XML 1.1 respectively simply by changing the version number.


Is my understand right as to "any characters in the range [#x7F-#x9F] other than as 

character escapes":

They are not directly contained, but can be included by using character reference in the XML 

1.0 document.


Received on Friday, 24 October 2003 12:21:38 UTC