XML 1.1 CR comment response for Tobin-01

In response to your email to the XML 1.1 CR recorded at
the XML Core WG generated, discussed, and resolved the follow issue:

Issue Tobin-01:  
Is requiring the escaping of C1 control characters worth it?

Summary resolution: rejected

After much discussion spanning many telcons, we continue to have WG members
with strong views on both sides of the issue. During our May 28 telcon, we
took a vote in which we had 4 members for, 4 against, and 4 abstentions. The
chair declared UNRESOLVABLE LACK of CONSENSUS. We therefore close the issue
in favor of the status quo, but will highlight this issue in our PR request.


Please let us know whether you accept our resolution of our comment,
or wish to have an objection formally recorded.  If we do not hear
from you within 10 days we will assume that you accept our response
(though we would prefer to hear from you in any case if practical).

Thank you for your interest in the XML 1.1.

Paul Grosso
for the XML Core WG

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 16:24:48 UTC