Re: Implementation or normalization

Rick Jelliffe scripsit:

> Personally, I believe that normalization-checking should be an optionally SAX feature
> of XML processors: they may or may not provide it, and it may be normalization-checking
> of the raw input stream or after parsing.

It *is* an optional feature, but normalizing the raw input stream is not

> Unicode Normalization will apparantly only stabilize for Unicode 4
> (according to Adobe's Ken Lunde, who is the God of CJKV information
> processing.)  

It was already stable for Unicode 3.  Can you point me to where he says
this, with reasons?

> So I suggest that normalization is something that the XML Core WG might like
> to echo St Augustine and say "Make me normalized, but not yet".  In other
> words, treat normalization-checking as something that should be implemented
> as soon as convenient.  

The trouble is that we can't put something into a Rec, under the current
W3C rules, if there are no implementations or only one.  (The IETF has
long used this rule, and I consider it a Good Thing.)

A rabbi whose congregation doesn't want         John Cowan
to drive him out of town isn't a rabbi,
and a rabbi who lets them do it       
isn't a man.    --Jewish saying       

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2003 07:00:21 UTC