We Accept


We accept your resolution. 
Continue the good work.

Jeswin P.

*** Reply Seperator ***
>From :  Paul Grosso [pgrosso@arbortext.com]
>Sent : Tue, 1 Jul 2003 8:12  PM
>To : www-xml-blueberry-comments@w3.org
>Subject : Request for reply to XML 1.1 CR comment response

On 2003 June 23, the XML Core WG sent to you and the
>www-xml-blueberry-comments@w3.org mailing list 
>our response to your comment(s) on the XML 1.1 CR.
>Please see the archives at [1] if you need to see a copy of
>our message.
>To date, we have no record of a reply from you regarding at
>least one of your comments (indicted by no entry in the
>"Outcome" column of the table at [2]).
>Please let us know whether you accept our resolution of our comment
>or wish to have an objection formally recorded.  If we do not hear
>from you by July 3rd, we will assume that you accept our response
>(though we would prefer to hear from you in any case if practical).
>Please send your reply to the www-xml-blueberry-comments@w3.org 
>mailing list so that your reply will be archived.
>Thank you for your interest in the XML 1.1.
>Paul Grosso
>for the XML Core WG 
>[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-blueberry-comments/2003Jun/
>[2] http://www.w3.org/XML/2003/06/xml11-cr-doc.html

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 10:54:05 UTC