Re: Inherent Namespace Ambiguities - A Serious Fundamental Problem?

Henry S. Thompson scripsit:

> Namespaces are not about disambiguating the semantics of names, just
> names as such and their ownership.  The fact that given a name in a
> namespace per XML Namespaces 1.0 you can't even tell whether it names
> an element, and attribute, an ID or all three already makes that
> clear.

Quite right as to the general principle, but XML Names says an ID can't
contain a colon, so there are no namespaced IDs.

"What has four pairs of pants, lives            John Cowan
in Philadelphia, and it never rains   
but it pours?"                        
        --Rufus T. Firefly            

Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 11:20:06 UTC