Re: need clarification on 2.13 (Normalization Checking)

Julian Reschke scripsit:

> As far as I understand the requirement, any XML 1.0 document that uses
> Unicode composing characters would become non-wellformed in 1.1, right?

Only if they are used where precomposed characters are already available;
thus A followed by COMBINING ACUTE is non-WF because A WITH ACUTE
is available.

> If this is the case, protocols that currently use XML 1.0 for marshalling
> will either
> - have to stay with XML 1.0 or
> - ensure that composing characters do not appear in protocol messages.

XML is not meant to be a dumping ground for arbitrary sequences of
Unicode characters without regard to sense.

John Cowan <>
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen,
han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith.  --Galadriel, _LOTR:FOTR_

Received on Sunday, 26 May 2002 13:08:06 UTC