Re: Unicode in XML

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Herv=E9_Prisciandaro?= scripsit:

> <?xml version="1.1" unicode="3.2"?>

The Core WG decided that the maintenance headache for parser authors,
to keep updating every time Unicode comes out with a new version,
plus maintaining backward compatibility (already in 3.0 there are some
27 characters that no longer fit the rules used to make XML 1.0, but
did fit using the Unicode 2.0 tables) was just too hard.  Furthermore,
the resulting splintering of XML would mean an interoperability nightmare.

John Cowan <>
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen,
han mathon ne chae, a han noston ne 'wilith.  --Galadriel, _LOTR:FOTR_

Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 13:14:07 UTC