Re: Eleventh hour check on XML 1.1 names

Marco Cimarosti scripsit:

> How do parsers detect the endianness of XML files in UTF-16 (and the very
> fact that they are UTF-16)?

In XML the BOM is recognized.  This has to do with the use of ZWNBSP
within a name (element name, attribute name, etc.)

Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.  Deshil Holles eamus.
Send us, bright one, light one, Horhorn, quickening, and wombfruit. (3x)
Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!  Hoopsa, boyaboy, hoopsa!
  -- Joyce, _Ulysses_, "Oxen of the Sun"

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 07:51:20 UTC