Undeclaring namespaces (http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-xml-names11-req-20020403/)

Interesting, and obviously logical.

My immediate worry is that there will be a tendency for XSLT processors to
produce output containing a large number of namespace undeclarations that
serve no useful purpose. For example I can see one producing:

<my:doc xmlns:my="aasckabsofhap">
  <record xmlns:my="">....</record>
  <record xmlns:my="">....</record>
  <record xmlns:my="">....</record>

Of course the rules are under our (XSLT's) control, but it's not immediately
clear how we should define the rules to stop this happening, other than by
not supporting the feature at all. We'll have to think about it.

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@ntlworld.com
work: Michael.Kay@softwareag.com

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2002 13:02:27 UTC