
Reading 13 December 2001's Working Draft of XML 1.1, I believe that
Section 2.3, 'Common Syntactic Constructs', should read:

      Char  ::=  [#x1-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-FDCF] | [#FDF0-#xFFFD] |
      [#x10000-#x1FFFD] | [#x20000-#x2FFFD] | [#x30000-#x3FFFD] |
      [#x40000-#x4FFFD] | [#x50000-#x5FFFD] | [#x60000-#x6FFFD] |
      [#x70000-#x7FFFD] | [#x80000-#x8FFFD] | [#x90000-#x9FFFD] |
      [#xA0000-#xAFFFD] | [#xB0000-#xBFFFD] | [#xC0000-#xCFFFD] |
      [#xD0000-#xDFFFD] | [#xE0000-#xEFFFD] | [#xF0000-#xFFFFD] |

These are all the possible code points of Unicode 3.1, excluding all
noncharacters. This should also get incorporated in 'NameStartChar',
changing it to:

      NameStartChar  :=  ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#x02FF] |
      [#x0370-#x037D] | [#x037F-#x2027] | [#x202A-#x218F] | [#x2800-#xD7FF]
      | [#xE000-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFEF] | [#x10000-#x1FFFD] |
      [#x20000-#x2FFFD] | [#x30000-#x3FFFD] | [#x40000-#x4FFFD] |
      [#x50000-#x5FFFD] | [#x60000-#x6FFFD] | [#x70000-#x7FFFD] |
      [#x80000-#x8FFFD] | [#x90000-#x9FFFD] | [#xA0000-#xAFFFD] |
      [#xB0000-#xBFFFD] | [#xC0000-#xCFFFD] | [#xD0000-#xDFFFD] |
      [#xE0000-#xEFFFD] | [#xF0000-#xFFFFD] | [#x100000-#x10FFFD]

Please note that in your current definition of NameStartChar, you have
also mistakenly written FDE0 instead of FDF0 (as that noncharacter range 
ends at FDEF).

Roozbeh Pournader

Received on Monday, 17 December 2001 20:07:48 UTC